Friday, June 4, 2010

totally been slacking again

I have super busy with the end of the school year. This is the end of week 1 out of school and am looking forward to a fun filled jam packed summer full of park play dates and maybe some mommy ones too. Here is a picture of the end of year gift I made for Morgan's teacher and my friend. My anal retentive side cringes from the imperfection of the quilt but it was made with love.

Since I have a whole summer ahead of me I should really work on the faerie quilt I started 3 years ago.

Aurora has turned into quite a little artist. She is really looking forward to camp at the co-op this summer since it is Alumni Art Camp. Not only does she gets to see her friends from the co-op but she gets a week of art projects. Her elementary school has a program where you can purchase stuff made from the kids artwork so I got a quilt square and will make her a quilt with her art from her school years. Future wedding present maybe?

The girls have been doing ballet. They both love it. They had a performance at the end of the session. I was really surprised how well they did because when I would spy through the window during class it always looked like they were completely lost. I plan on putting Aurora in a more formal program next school year.

Well that is all the rambling for now. Here is hoping it isn't another couple of months before I post again.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Basket full of yumminess

Today was another pick up for Bountiful Baskets. Once again I was really happy with my purchase. The organic basket is only $25 and I got

3 squash
a bag of green beans
head of romaine lettuce
Swiss chard
head of broccoli
4 zucchini
1 package of grape tomatoes
7 gala apples
3 grapefruit
8 pears
and 1 package of divine smelling strawberries

I also got the Italian add on for another $6

1 eggplant
2 yellow onions
1 red onion
1 zucchini
1 garlic bulb
Italian parsley
1 package of mushrooms
a bag of fresh herbs that I am not 100% sure what they are. I think Rosemary, basil, and something.

Showing up in the mornings if always fun, even though it is a little early for my taste on a Saturday morning. You never know exactly what you will be getting until you are there. This week there wasn't anything too new and exotic which is always kinda fun because it makes me really think about how to use the produce. This week it was just some of my favorite produce. We already have finished off the strawberries and they tasted as good as they looked.

Easter eggs revisted

Thanks to Cecilia's recipe for dying with natural made dyes I was able to salvage the oh so ugly eggs.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dying gone wrong

I was so excited to get my produce that would help dye the eggs. With Aurora's red dye problems the last 3 years have been ongoing experiments with getting our eggs dyed. This year is yet another failed experiment. At least this year I started with all white eggs.




I forgot to get a picture of the Blue and in my stupid editing I just erased the pink/red and the yellow. Teach me to erase the photos before I am done.
These are suppose to be purple

These are suppose to be red and green

And these are suppose to be yellow, orange, and blue

The yellow turned out pretty good but the orange, red, and purple all just kinda look brown. And the blue are a really ugly color grey. I am hoping that by some scientific miracle that tomorrow morning when I go check on them in the fridge they will be the right colors. Maybe next year we will just do plastic colored eggs.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Well it has been awhile since I have blogged. Okay, a really really long while. I was inspired today.

This morning I went and picked up my first basket of fruits and veggies from bountiful baskets.
These are all my goodies from the organic basket:
A bag of romaine lettuce
2 eggplants
a leek
2 bunches of dill
3 tomatoes
a whole bunch of potatoes (I did spell check and both came up spelling right so which one is it not toes at the end?)
2 squash
a bunch of asparagus
4 oranges
6 kiwi
a bag of 3 lb gala apples
and the cutest little pineapple ever.

This is my Mexican pack that I also got.
a bag of some kind of red dried chili's
5 jalapenos
4 avocados
2 squash
a bunch of little limes
a yellow onion
a bunch of green onion
a garlic bulb
and last but not least a whole lot of cilantro

So I am looking at my spoils thinking what yummy stuff do I get to cook for dinner. The asparagus was a given. MMMMMM it was yummy. I also had a whole chicken I really needed to cook so my little Mexican pack got me inspired. Here is my before.

I used the vita-mix and pureed the orange and then just started adding other stuff(I got the agave from the cupboard) and then poured in on the chicken and cooked it in the oven. We have a new dish, a cast iron roasting dish, and I think all future chicken must be cooked in this thing. The chicken was a hit because for the first time in a really really really long time I got a complement not a complaint at dinner.