Well it has been awhile since I have blogged. Okay, a really really long while. I was inspired today.
This morning I went and picked up my first basket of fruits and veggies from bountiful baskets.

These are all my goodies from the organic basket:
A bag of romaine lettuce
2 eggplants
a leek
2 bunches of dill
3 tomatoes
a whole bunch of potatoes (I did spell check and both came up spelling right so which one is it not toes at the end?)
2 squash
a bunch of asparagus
4 oranges
6 kiwi
a bag of 3 lb gala apples
and the cutest little pineapple ever.

This is my Mexican pack that I also got.
a bag of some kind of red dried chili's
5 jalapenos
4 avocados
2 squash
a bunch of little limes
a yellow onion
a bunch of green onion
a garlic bulb
and last but not least a whole lot of cilantro
So I am looking at my spoils thinking what yummy stuff do I get to cook for dinner. The asparagus was a given. MMMMMM it was yummy. I also had a whole chicken I really needed to cook so my little Mexican pack got me inspired. Here is my before.

I used the vita-mix and pureed the orange and then just started adding other stuff(I got the agave from the cupboard) and then poured in on the chicken and cooked it in the oven. We have a new dish, a cast iron roasting dish, and I think all future chicken must be cooked in this thing. The chicken was a hit because for the first time in a really really really long time I got a complement not a complaint at dinner.